These last few blog entries are going to be really hard to write-up. Our little Luke is a whoppin' 10 months old. The closer he gets to one the more we realize how fast these months flew by and how fast these years will go by. These moments are so short. I am so thankful to be able to be home to watch every first moment and soak in every hug, kiss, breath, tear, giggle, crawl, bump, scrape, etc. I've heard some say that being away from your baby makes you appreciate the moments you have with them but I realized quite the contrary. I appreciate these moments because I know that in just a few short years these moments will be gone and no matter how much I was with him in those years I'll wish I had them back to soak those moments in even more. I look at my full-time career and think; I had it (still have it but doing the very minimum at home), I enjoyed it, but I want it to be the very last of my priorities now. God and then family come first. Sometimes we (Dave and I) feel this hurt in our pockets, our lifestyle and in our bills but we know it's worth it to be raising our child with me at home. I can always go back to work in the future and catch up from where I left off. I can't go back and raise my child after he's already grown up. For the single-mommy's, hang in there, you're doing a great job juggling both. Lean to God for guidance and help when you feel lost and alone. For those who are married and husband's are working; go through Dave Ramsey's, "Financial Peace" course to get yourselves out of debt and on a budget to be able to stay at home with your baby or babies. My husband is a government employee {fireman} and we're making it work!
This month Luke has gotten into ALL sorts of trouble! One day as I was in the kitchen doing dishes. Luke was playing under the kitchen chairs as he normally does. He was being extra quite so I decided to get to his level to see what he was up too. I noticed he was fumbling with something in his hands. I open them to find washers. I looked at him and he gave me a bashful, "what'd I do, Mommy?" look. I looked under the chair seat to find where those washers were supposed to be. They were missing from one of the four corners. I then immediately thought, hmmm, where is the nut to go with the washers? I looked at him again and heard clanking coming from his mouth. I did a sweep with my finger and pulled the washer out of his mouth! I couldn't believe it, he had slowly been unscrewing the nut the whole time he was playing under the chair! I was so thankful to check on him when I did. Dave has since, tightened every chair in the kitchen:).
Here's our little munchkin's list this month:
#1 He LOVES his stuffed animals and points to his big puppy on his bookshelf for me to give to him every morning and night. He likes to give them kisses and hugs.
#2 He LOVES pulling his socks off when we put him in his car seat
#3 He LOVES his puffs
#4 He LOVES to walk and push things. He's pushed the garabage can across the kitchen. We're looking forward to him opening some of his Christmas presents. I think he may have a push toy as one of them;)
#5 He LOVES bathtime
#6 He notices framed photos now and smiles and points to them.
#7 He signs "milk." My signings paid off! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!
#8 He likes to watch 'Happy Feet.' Whenever the little penguin shows up on the screen he lights up and giggles. {I think it's safe to assume Luke LOVES animals:)}
#9 He likes to take things apart and put them back together again. Hence the unscrewing of our furniture and knobs in the kitchen! He's a gadget boy.
And of course, lastly; here is our photogenic little man:)