Monday, September 8, 2014

Luke's back to Preschool!

Our little guy is over 3 years old {free}! This guy stole our hearts from the moment he entered this world. His big heart and personality inspire us to strive to be the best parents we can. He is a fun, energetic, funny, outgoing, big hearted, God loving, kind, athletic, artistic, handsome little guy! This year we got to see Luke become a sweet big brother and his love for Jesus grow.

It amazes me to see just how big his heart is and how tender-hearted he is. He's super sensitive to the needs of others and when someone hurts him it breaks his heart {and my heart too}. His relationship with his sister is a perfect example. If she gets hurt, he's right beside her making sure she's okay saying things like, "poor baby." Most the time he is great about helping me with chores and getting things for me. He is so great at helping others. At night time we pray that God will help give us opportunities to serve and help others. A couple times after he has helped someone or me he has followed up with saying "Mommy, this makes God very happy." It just melts my heart to see that he's already understanding God's love and showing it to others while starting to understand it all the same.

Luke has also been insanely good at memorizing and is up to 11 verses from memorization. He also has several of his picture books memorized and will read them to me at night! Just the other day he read Kate's favorite book, "The Biggest Kiss" from memory. It was so cute to see the two of them sitting in her chair and reading together.

He is quite the adventurer too. Just when I thought he was more on the timid side I find him outside with Daddy repelling from a tree. He also tried wake boarding for the first time last week. All on his own with no encouragement from us, he begged to go with Daddy. So off they went and he had a blast. Luke also learned to swim this summer and hasn't looked back. He dives for the sinking toys and all.

We've noticed recently the dynamic has changed with Luke and "big kids'. Luke as always, loves to try and hang with the 'big kids'. It's always been great {I guess maybe because when he was a baby older kids didn't feel threatened} but now I've been noticing that the big kids haven't been so nice or keen on playing with Luke. Luke's had to deal with some meanness from the older kids and it just breaks my heart to see them taunt and tease him and see Luke have to deal with it. One time his feelings were so hurt he just kind of hung out on his own in the distance and didn't want to be bothered. My prayer is that Luke will always be the sweet one and that he will stand up for others who are treated unfairly.

Some funny things:

  • I'm trying to swat flies with a hand towel in the kitchen one day and Luke is right beside me watching and saying - every time I swat and miss - "smack it Mommy, smack it. Just smack it Mommy. You got to smack it Mommy." His face was adorable just watching me swat and miss every time while throwing out 'encouraging' words.
  • I'm upstairs with Kate while Luke is downstairs. Kate is asking for a drink and I'm to tired/lazy to get it. I holler for Luke to please get her cup and he says, "of what you say Mommy? I sorry I don't hear you!" He runs upstairs with the drink in hand. 
  • As Dave is cooking pancakes one day and I am no where in sight Luke says, " Daddy, you're not pretty - Mommy's pretty - you're Daddy."
  • Before I get Luke dressed before his first day of preschool Luke begs for me not to put him in the bear shirt. I couldn't figure out what he was talking about since he doesn't have a 'bear' shirt when all of a sudden I realized he was talking about the nice polo shirts I like to put him in for special occasions. When I asked Luke if that's what he was talking he said, "yes and that's for church and not for school!" Oh dear, we already have an opinionated little guy!
  • Luke learned a phrase from a cartoon, he is no longer allowed to watch where the character yells, "I don't care!" I told him he was not allowed to say this phrase not realizing there are different contexts in where this phrase is okay to say. Such as, "Luke, I don't care if Jo is allowed to throw toys, we don't in our house." Luke immediately corrects me and says, "Mommy, you said I don't care and you need to say sorry!" 

Some annoying things: We are in the phase of, "But why?" for I feel like everything. It's driving me mad! Even when I explain why he says, "but why"? Whew, some patience is what I've been taught. Another is, asking the same thing over and over and over and over and over again! This is the worst. I have a broken record with me literally the entire day. It really does drive you crazy. We're working on trying to teach and correct but it's not going as quickly as I would like for it to go:)

Here is our big boy off to his first day...well, lets be honest his second day of school. Dave wasn't around the first day and I wasn't about trying to juggle first day jitters, Kate and trying to take pictures of a kid who doesn't like taking pictures:) of school. He was such a big boy, a little hesitant at first and then as soon as his foot hit the threshold of his class he was off and didn't turn back.

We love this little guy so much and smother him with kisses and hugs a million times a day. He is a one of a kind.

SIDE NOTE: I think it's pretty clear as to why I may not be the best teacher. I realized as I was uploading the photos I misspelled Preschool! How embarrassing. It never fails. Here they are anyways....:)

These pictures were from sneak-a-peak the week before school started.

 Kate was having so much fun too!

 This was Luke's very first day of preschool pic

And this is just a random day of walking to class. They like to hold hands and Kate likes to go into his class. They give each other hugs and kisses and say goodbye before they leave. It's too cute!

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