Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kate is 4 Months Old

Happy 4 months Kate and we have a roller! This happened a few weeks back. She did three in a row and I even got one on video. This time it was all on her own without any momentum. She still doesn't like tummy time much and that's probably why she was rolling over. She's done it a handful of times since the first time.

I've realized something that has been quite nice this go around. Kate doesn't spit up! Luke would spit up ALL THE TIME. We would have to change his clothes five times a day {plus my clothes}. She can wear the same outfit all day long. It's so nice to not have to mention or warn others she spits-up before they hold her {hmmm maybe that's why she gets held more, poor Luke} and she doesn't have to wear burp bibs!

What you've been up too

  • My nicknames for you are Squishy, Chunker Monker, Dough Ball, Pudger and Girly Girl
  • You love to watch your brother and give him big smiles when he plays with you.
  • You sleep 12 hours during the night and you nurse every 2-3 hours during the day. That means just 5x's in a 24 hour period. This is huge!!
  • When you are crying Luke says, "Mommy, feed Kate. Kate hungry."
  • You are now in size three diapers. To put things in perspective; Luke wasn't in size three diapers until he was over 1-1/2 old :).
  • You have also outgrown the boppy when you nurse. 
  • You are very bashful with Daddy. When he looks at you, you give him flirty eyes and big smiles and then turn away.
  • You focus very hard when playing with your toys and love to feel and touch them. 
  • You are starting to loose lots of your hair:(. I see a little blonde coming in. 
  • You are very strong and sit up well {With Mommy's help of course}.
  • You like to sit in your Bumbo.
  • I'm afraid you may be getting into the teething stage. There has been lots of drooling and nawing of the gums. 
  • Your cry has reached another decibel.
  • You like to clasp your hands.
  • You like to touch our faces. Luke likes this alot and it makes him giggle.
  • You are still not a fan of tummy time
  • We were out-and-about one day and I had a British Mom tell me that you were lovely, just lovely and all your hair was so lovely:) So now I call you lovely too {in a British accent of course}.
  • You can roll from back to belly and belly to back. 
  • Within the next couple of days I'm sure you will be ready to upgrade to the sleep sack instead of being swaddle. You've been moving and scooting in bed.
  • You like to squeal when you're excited. 

And lastly our photo shoot:)

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