Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kate's doctor visits

Katelyn, you were 4 days old when you visited the doctor for the first time. We found out you had acid reflux and tongue-tie during this visit. It was determined that we see an ENT so you can undergo the procedure of snipping the extra skin creating the tongue-tie. Mommy had this same problem when she was born and had the same procedure done. They didn't snip it enough and I had to have it done again when I had my wisdom teeth taken out as a teenager. Let's hope that's not the case for you!

We went to the doctor for your two week visit and you did great! We were very happy to see that you were well over your birth weight. Mommy was especially happy about this because this meant you were nursing sufficiently. At this appointment they prescribed you with medicine for your acid reflux. After 30 days of taking it we took you off and were doing great without it. 

Here are your rankings:
Height: 20 3/4 inches (50-75%)
Weight: 8 pounds 3 ounces (50%)
Head: 37 centimeters (75%)

Katelyn's 2 month check-up was a success as well. She passed with flying colors;). She also had her shots this visit. Luke went with us and was upset he didn't get any. Crazy kid, forgot they hurt!;) Poor little Kate looked so sad getting the shots. That evening was pretty tough on her so we gave her some Tylenol before

Here is her report card for  her 2 month check-up:)
Height: 23 3/4 inches (90%)
Weight: 11 pounds 10 ounces (75%)
Head: 39.7 centimeters (75%)

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