Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Katelyn is 11 Months Old

Eek! We're only one month away from Katelyn turning one. I keep looking at her and thinking she is looking more and more like a little girl and less like a baby! Lots has been going on with this sweet sweet girl. She's got so much personality it's hard to take! She is getting a ton of teeth in, all at once. So far their are three but I see about four more buds trying to poke through. She has been talking so much and says so many words. She's my little squealer, just like Mommy. She also seems to be quite fearless and not as cautious as her big brother. She literally tries to lunge off the bed. She LOVES the vacuum cleaner and tries to hang onto it while I'm vacuuming. Her and Luke are the best of friends and it's adorable to watch them giggle, squeal, laugh and play together. 

I've still been nursing which, I can't believe I've actually made it this far. It's kind of crazy to think she never took a bottle (except for maybe two times) and went from nursing straight to sip-cups. I'm just glad I didn't have to clean any bottles! Although there were many MANY days that I thought about throwing in the towel I ended up really enjoying and cherishing this short period with Kate and think my love/bond for her became stronger because of it. I think it will end up being hard to wean Kate and now that I've done it for this long I can see why some Mom's don't want to stop! 

Here's what you've been up to this month:
  • You can say: Mama, Dada, ball, nap, night night, Papa, Ru (Rufus), that, amen and I'm sure more then this but this is what we can understand.
  • You've been doing really well at signing. You sign "more" correctly now.
  • You like to brush your teeth (hence the toothbrushes in the pictures) You like to brush Luke's teeth also.
  • You like to hide in the corners of your chairs and blankets when you think someone is coming to get you.
  • You haven't been eating as well as you usually do and you've gotten picky:(. I think it may be because you have so many teeth coming in.
  • You still aren't walking yet. You like to furniture walk but you don't like when I try and help you walk.
  • You like to dance when music comes on.
  • You like to play the drums on furniture.
  • Luke is your little encourager. He's always teaching you things and tells you "good job" when you do it right.
  • It's funny, when you are about to fall but catch yourself (mostly this happens in the bathtub) Luke will always say, "oh, good save Kate." It cracks us up!
  • You are very very loud when you cry. It's ear piercing.
  • You have mastered the "eye cutting" look. When someone is looking at you and you don't like it or when Luke tries to take something you're playing with. I guess some people say you get this from Mommy;)
  • You are very very friendly and outgoing. You love playing with babies and toddlers. You don't hesitate at all to join.
  • You like to clap your hands and if you hear someone say 'yay' you quickly bring your hands together and start clapping.
  • You love Baby Praise. You are glued to the TV while watching it. It's surprisingly taught you some things, like peek-a-boo. You like to watch the different animals pop up on screen and the children playing.

Here is our sweet little girl! 

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