Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kate is 10 Months Old

It's really hard to believe this little girl that we held in our arms for the first time {with what seems like yesterday} is now ten months old. She brings so much spunk to our family and we are loving every second with her. We look at her and Luke in amazement and thank God for these wonderful blessings.

This was another busy month. Kate still had ongoing ear infections and fluid so we made the decision for her to have the procedure for tubes. She was a brave little girl and did so well. We are happy to have that behind us so we can move forward and hopefully have no more ear infections! We also celebrated big brother's 3rd birthday at Daddy's fire station.

This is what you've been up to this month
  • You can sign 'more' and 'all done'
  • You wave, give hugs and kisses
  • You are quite the squealer and screamer. It's very loud:)
  • You are very vocal
  • You like when Luke spits water in your face when you're taking baths {I know it sounds weird. We told Luke not to do it at first but then when Kate let out her belly laughs we figured she didn't mind}
  • You like when Luke pulls your leg and drags you around the floor {Luke likes this too}
  • You like to wrestle with Daddy and Luke
  • You love to eat. Your favorites are blueberries, bread and carrots but you pretty much eat anything. {ah, this is so refreshing for Mommy since Luke was such a picky eater}
  • You like to butt-heads
  • You love when Mommy reads you books. I read you an animal book and every time I 'moo' you laugh. You like to point at the pictures. Your favorites are Goodnight Moon and Animal Parade.
  • You like to play with Luke's toys and not really your toys.
  • You play very nicely by yourself
  • You can stack blocks
  • You like to put things in and out of baskets
  • You love your big brother. I can see it in your eyes and the way you look at him and watch him play. You just adore him. 
  • You like Rufus and like to bang on the window to get his attention. You also squeal and yell for him.
  • Luke helps Mommy out a lot but making sure you don't get into things that are dangerous. He'll pick you up and move you away.
  • It's fun to hear Luke and you giggle and play together. Luke likes to say, "Kate, watch this!" and then do something silly to make you laugh.
  • You are a very brave girl and are not easily scared. Vacuum cleaners and doctor visits are the biggest examples of this. 
  • You have been standing on your own and balancing a little bit. 

And here is our lovely little Kate. Growing so much and so fast. {It was a challenge taking pictures this month. She's all over the place and won't sit still!}

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